octenilin® wound gel

Wound gel for covering, moistening and cleansing of encrusted, contaminated and chronic wounds as well as burn wounds

Our Plus

  • effectively moisturises and cleans wounds
  • helps loosen wound coatings
  • creates an ideal wound healing environment to support the natural healing process
  • pain free, colourless and odour absorbent
  • contains Octenidine as preservative, capable of inactivating pathogens in the gel to build a protective barrier against penetrating germs.


Fields of Application

  • for moistening and cleansing of chronic wounds
  • for the preservative moistening of wound dressings
  • for loosening of coatings - even strongly encrusted coatings
  • for the support of the natural healing process
  • for the treatment of thermally induced large area wounds

Product Profile

Treament of second-degree burns octenilin® Wound Gel was used in a study on 107 subjects with grade IIa burns of the skin.
The moist dressing was easy to use and could be left on the wound for up to five days thanks to its antimicrobial preservative.
The pain was minimised and the number of required dressing exchanges reduced. 45 % of the subjects reported feeling comfortable or pain free with the first application.
No intolerance reactions within the meaning of allergic skin irriations, skin reddening etc. were observed.¹

Non-irritating, non-sensitising, pain-free use, without tissue toxicity, no impairment of granulation or epithelialisation. The good tolerability of Octenidine has been confirmed by clinical experience over many years and by clinical studies also on chronic wounds.

Testing of the preservative properties of Octenidin in the gel

octenilin® Wound Gel shows excellent inactivation of pathogens after as early as 1 minute. The latter was determined in the quantitative suspension test with high protein exposure ('dirty conditions'). The results showed that the inactivation of pathogens in octenilin® Wound Gel was sufficient against all test organisms after a 1 minute application.²

Instructions for use

Wounds should always be irrigated and cleansed (e.g. octenilin® wound irrigation solution) to remove easily soluble encrustations before further treatment with octenilin® Wound Gel.
Bandages, gauze, compresses or other absorbent materials or wound-filling materials can be soaked or moistened before being applied to wounds.
octenilin® Wound Gel can remain on the wound until the next change of dressing. The frequency of dressing change depends on the nature of the wound and the amount of exudate and should be adapted to the current wound situation, but should be done after max. 3 days. If used with paraffin gauzes, the dressing is to be changed and the wound cleaned daily. Application should be repeated frequently until all encrustations or necrotic tissue are easily removed and the wound is clean on inspection.

Product data

Aqua purificata, Propylene Glycol, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Octenidine HCl.
Original condition:
Sterile, sealed.
Stability at 5 - 25 °C, see stability information.

Chemical-physical data

Density:ca. 1,01 g/cm3 / 20 °C
Viscosity, dynamic:ca. 5.050 mPa*s
Color:nearly colourless
Flash point:> 61 °C / Method : ISO 2719
pH:ca. 6,9 / 20 °C

Special advice


octenilin® Wound Gel should not be used in patients with known or suspected allergy to one or more of the ingredients. If in doubt consult a physician.
To prevent possible tissue damage, octenilin® Wound Gel should not be used on hyaline cartilage, the eyes, ears, nose, urinary bladder and in the abdominal cavity! Do not use for infusion or injection! Not for oral use!

General safety information
  • Use only intact and undamaged packs.
  • Protect the product against exposure to direct sunlight.
  • To prevent the introduction of bacteria when using octenilin® Wound Gel, ensure that the packaging does not come into contact with the wound!
  • Do not use in combination with PVP-iodine, since this may cause discoloration and impair the antiseptic effect of the PVP-iodine
  • Medical device - Keep out of the reach and sight of children!

For further information please read the package leaflet before use.

Information for order

ItemDelivery formItem no.
octenilin® wound gel20/Cartonon request
octenilin Wundgel Bulk für AH 1014kg EC1/Containeron request
octenilin Wound Gel 250 ml TB6/Cartonon request
These products are not available in every country. For more information please contact our local subsidiary or distributor.

Environmental information

schülke manufactures products economically and with advanced, safe and environmentally friendly production processes while at the same time maintaining out high quality standards.
CE 0297
C. Ottomann und B. Hartmann Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin Zentrum für Schwerbrandverletzte mit Plastischer Chirurgie Berlin, 9. Mai 2005

Dr. P. Goroncy-Bermes, Schülke & Mayr F&E, Norderstedt, 2. März 2007

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