Which schülke products are effective against the novel coronavirus?

All schülke products for hand, surface and manual instrument disinfection are at least limited virucidal and therefore also effective against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

Further information about our products can be found here:

Hand disinfection

hand disinfection

desderman® pure

Alcohol rub for hygienic and surgical hand disinfection

What should you know about alcohol-based handrub in times of COVID-19?

Surface disinfection

Surface cleaning

The science of safe surfaces.

mikrozid universal

mikrozid® universal
Uniquely versatile, low-alcohol formulation for the rapid cleaning and disinfection of surfaces & non-invasive medical devices.


Unique alcohol formulation for virucidal protection in the cleaning and disinfection of hard surfaces.

mikrozid alcohol free

mikrozid® alcohol free
Alcohol free, dual action cleaner and disinfectant for alcohol sensitive surfaces.

terralin protect
terralin® protect
Dual action high performance cleaner and disinfectant for all surgery floors and large hard surfaces

New mikrozid® brochure: Surface disinfection against COVID-19

dental instruments

Instrument disinfection

gigasept FF(new)

gigasept® FF (new)
gigasept® FF is a high-level disinfectant.

gigasept instru AF

gigasept® instru AF
High performance dual action liquid concentrate for cleaning and disinfection of instruments in holding solutions.


High performance, ready to use cleaning and disinfection solution for developed burs and other rotating instruments

Special applications


Cost effective, multi purpose cleaning, disinfection and de-odorising of dental suction systems and spittoons

Perform ID

perform® ID
Disinfection of dental impressions through complete immersion

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