
Application tips

Due to the current pandemic situation:

The health and safety of our employees and applicants is a top priority for schülke. For this reason, the application process is primarily carried out digitally. Detailed information is available from your responsible schülke HR contact.

Have you found a specific position that you would like to apply for? If not, you are welcome to send us an open application.

What do we pay special attention to when applying for a job? Our HR colleagues have put together a few application tips for you:

Have you thought of everything? Complete application documents are a must!

  • Have you thought of everything? Before sending your application, check that you have all the required application documents. This will enable us to process your application quickly and provide you with feedback.
  • Make sure that your resume is complete and always up to date. This will give us a good picture of your previous school/academic career and work experience.
  • A job title often does not reveal which tasks and projects you have already worked on. Add 2-3 bullet point descriptions of your activities to your respective career stages.

We would also like to get to know you personally.

  • We have reviewed your application documents and would like to finally meet you in person. In any case, we would like to see clearly in your application why you would like to work for us - and why you are convinced that you would be a good fit for us. Convince us of who you are!
  • Tip: A good source of information to help you prepare for your interview is our company website. Since you are already here, why not learn a little about the schülke company, our mission and what drives us!

Mix schülke up a bit - We look forward to receiving your application!

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V tejto súvislosti tiež využívame poskytovateľa služieb v tretích krajinách mimo EÚ, ktoré nemajú primeranú úroveň ochrany údajov, čo nesie nasledujúce riziká: Prístup orgánov bez informovania dotknutej osoby, žiadne práva dotknutej osoby, žiadne právne prostriedky, strata kontroly.
Svojim nastavením súhlasíte s procesmi popísanými vyššie. Svoj súhlas môžete odvolať s účinnosťou od ďalšieho vstupu na stránky. Ďalšie informácie nájdete v našich zásadách ochrany osobných údajov.